Anita Ghosh

CEO, Founder

A big warm hello and welcome! I’m the CEO of Bridjr. We help visionary leaders achieve their growth goals by creating unrivalled customer experiences that inspire their employees, delight their customers, and increase loyalty.

Our proven human-centered, data-driven process helps our clients increase sales, improve net promoter scores, and boost employee engagement.

What does that mean?

We work with the senior members of your team on customer and employee experience challenges, opportunities and ideas.

We focus on people and the human side of every problem and use our expertise to:
– understand your customers and employees better than you thought possible
– design journeys everyone loves and returns to over and over
– show you the secret to adoption both inside and outside your organization

Our clients benefit from the following:
– higher loyalty from customers
– the kind of engagement that moves the needle on sales and NPS
– and the skills to continue thriving in an ever-changing world

Our clients typically achieve a 20X+ return on their CX investment. And we can help you achieve similar results. Guaranteed.

Don’t just take my word for it. I invite you to read my LinkedIn recommendations or check out our client testimonials below and online at:

Client Testimonials:

“I have come to rely on the depth of counsel Bridjr provides. They blow me away with their intelligence, smarts about our business, knowledge of transformation, and commitment to value creation. It’s not just all head with Bridjr, there’s heart too, their passion for our business makes a difference.
The gap between co-created solution and making it a tangible offering is closed by Bridjr’s ability to implement. It’s a difference maker as transformation becomes reality.”
Bernie Borgeson, Head, Client Experience, Canadian Western Bank

“What stands out is that Bridjr helped us get our heads out of the sand; they helped us see the importance of being methodical in approaching growth, so that expanding doesn’t result in exploding.
The final deliverable from Bridjr was the caliber of what you’d expect from a top-tier consulting firm, but it was so much better because it was intimate and personal, and made relevant to the team and gave us what we need to do our job without having to decode consultant-speak. There’s also been a lasting effect on everyone who participated in the work with Bridjr. They universally felt inspired and had a spring in their step for having been involved in something so profound.”
Chris Markovic, CEO, PMA Brethour Group

All Sessions by Anita Ghosh

Printer Friendly See 2024 Agenda

Day 1: May 31, 2023

Day 2: Jun 1, 2023