Technology Transforms High Risk Interactions to Reveal the Future of In-Restaurant Dining
Power up to 80% of in-person dining experiences with almost no physical contact COVID-19 restrictions and protocols have accelerated the need to transition to real-time customer and staff communication. Ensuring safety along each step of the customer journey is the …...
Fast, rich video insights power amazing mobile experiences at Del Taco
Specializing in American-style Mexican cuisine, Del Taco is always looking to stay ahead of the competition and improve their customer experience. To evaluate the impact of proposed changes to their stores and menus on customer impressions, the business needed to …...
3 Ways You May Be Disconnected From Your Employees
Capturing signals is crucial when trying to understand the employee experience. However, the analysis and ability to turn those insights into action to drive real impact in the workplace is when the magic happens. Introduction: “Employee expectations were rapidly changing …...
Technology Helps Remove Risky Interactions to Deliver the Future of Hospitality
Power up to 80% of real-time guest experiences at scale, with almost no physical contact. COVID-19 restrictions and protocols have accelerated the need to transition to real-time guest and staff communication. Ensuring safety along each step of the guest journey …...
Reimagining the Workplace of Tomorrow
The way we work has changed. As remote work models become the new normal, companies are at risk of becoming more and more disconnected from their employees. With the future of work unfolding in real-time, it is now more important …...
Analyze 100% of your Contact Center Calls
Contact center volume is increasing as customers adjust to new self-service models. With AI-powered speech analytics, you can improve call quality, collect fast and accurate analysis, and identify ways to increase customer lifetime value. Medallia’s eBook can help you uncover …...
5 Ways Banks Can Attract Millennials and Gen Z
Adapt or perish – it’s the mantra for nearly every industry in the digital age, but more pronounced in financial services, an industry often identified as technology laggards. Digital disruption is in full swing in the industry, particularly as its …...
When Your Customer Experience Strategy Is Stuck In Neutral
From The Canadian Business Journal, August 2016 By John Bardawill, Managing Director, TMG International Inc. Avoid six common mistakes, move out of marketing’s planning zone, and get to execution. Fill out the information below to download the file: